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Training to the oil protein diet consultant
Chronological order
You get lectures for four months and can take the examination at the earliest after 4 months and not later than 8 months after the first lesson. So, you can determine your own learning pace.
After four months, you have the opportunity to an examination (via Skype) for the certified oil protein diet consultant. The examination is, of course, not an obligation and is very neccessay for those who want to use the training professionally.
Certificate for oil protein diet consultant
After passing the exam, you will receive a certificate in the A3 format, which gives you the title "Oil Protein Diet Consultant".
Who is the training for?
The training is suitable for all people, who will like to know more about the original oil protein diet according to Dr. Johanna Budwig, has learned by Lothar Hirneise from Dr. Johanna Budwig. Medical knowledge is not required.
Contents of training:
General information on the oil protein diet
Life and work of Dr. Johanna Budwig
Hirneise Lothar
Nutrition therapy when compared to the oil-protein diet
Kausanetik and oil protein diet
Basic knowledge Oecotrophology
Theory of oil protein diet
General pathology
Energetic thinking
Practice of the oil protein diet
Daily schedule
Monthly schedule
Cooking training in theory and practice
Ingredients of the oil protein diet
Oil protein diet and:
Cancer, rheumatism, allergies, epilepsy, heart disease, diabetes...
Systematic oil protein diet
ELDI oils
Magnetic environment
Sphere of activity of an Oil-Protein Diet Consultant
Advertising & legislation
And much more.
The entire training, including support during the training by Lothar Hirneise, costs:
Education: U$ 490,-incl. VAT
Test: U$ 110,-incl. VAT
You can start the training always on the first of each month. We check your registration within 5 days. For successful acceptance of the training, you receive a confirmation and further information from us.
Online registration form for the training to the oil protein diet consultant